
This very day is Saturday. Ya know what that means? Tomorrow is Sunday! And ya know what that means?


Neither do I! But Happy Saturday none the less!

And then there are Thursdays...those are cool, too.

Maybe I'll get a bone on the morrow...

Attack of the Leviathan

I got attacked by the evil Leviathan today. You can see I took it down with ease. See? It shrank into the shadows...

I Think I'm Done...

For now, at least. I'm not happy with it yet, but we will get there...someday.
My Ship Mates thingie isn't working, but it's no fault of mine. Blogger must be having problems. But, for now I am happy. I've worked on this here blog all day, it's very tiring. I think my Human Pet is going to take me out to do pictures in a second. Aye, it seems so. I'll put some on here when I return, that is if I do...

Hi There!

This is Kait, I'm the owner of an adorable 2 year old Jack Russell Terrier named Jack Sparrow. He is white with brown spots, and has wirey hair which is completely adorable.
I will be posting on here every once and a while, if my fluffy friend allows me to. But, since this is Jack's blog, I guess I'd better let him do most of the talking. I can't be overly protective or butt in all the time for much longer, my little pup's almost 3 now. (sob)
So Jack, here is your early Christmas gift. I hope you enjoy it.

"Master" Kait


Hey, Captain Jack here. Sorry about all the confusion with the blog and everything, I'm still trying to chew out what look fits best with me. And this mouse is really hard to control without opposable thumbs. And these keys are hard to type on with my adorable paws. Grr...

Till next time,
Captain Jack Sparrow

P.S. I still need to make a catchy signature.